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Our website content guidelines

A beautiful, functional website is nothing without the right content. It’s the key component that tells your story. That’s how you engage with your prospects, and getting it right is crucial. There are many challenges, though. How do you optimise content for search engines, while making it convert? How often should you update it? Our experts try to frequently answer these questions and more in our articles. This collection will tell you all about content creation for business websites.

How to measure SEO performance without paid tools

You don’t need specialist tools to measure SEO. That’s how we started. Our organic traffic went from zero to a few hundred visits per month. Back then, we only used Google Search Console and Google Analytics. It’s the perfect combination for internal teams who need quick access to baseline data. Here’s how to use them right.

How to write an About page for a website

Facilitating dozens of moderated user tests showed that most people go to the “About” page right away. We test website prototypes with people looking for services and corporate websites. If your company falls into one of those categories, here’s what people want to see on your “About” page.

Website call to action tips – how to write better buttons

Calls to action are a marketer’s bread and butter. TV advertisements have been shouting at us “call now” well before the Internet. Offline applications of CTAs are still important, but websites are a bit different. And for those of you that understand the psychology of Calls to Action, I’ll reveal a few tips and tricks about the user experience of your buttons.

The importance of readability and what is a good website readability score

Readability is a key challenge for every copywriter. It’s shapes the way you tell your story and gets your target audience engaged. However, not everyone is aware just how important readability is, or how to improve it. In this article, we will explore why you need to improve your readability score and which tools you can use to test & improve.

How internal links affect SEO and conversions

SEO has changed over the years. Keyword-stuffing was replaced by a user-first approach focusing on content quality and page speed. Alternative tags of images now serve their purpose – accessibility, rather than a place to hide keywords. But one thing hasn’t changed, and that’s links. Backlinks are constantly one of the top ranking factors for Google but enshadowed by them is internal linking. And while internal links carry less weight than backlinks, it’s one of the few SEO aspects that you can really control.

Irresistible newsletter headlines and email optimisation tips

Mailing lists are still one of the best digital marketing channels. According to some sources, over 50% of email opens happen on mobile devices. They’re the first point of contact for many of your subscribers. However, adjusting email design to accommodate to smart devices is often overlooked by digital marketers. An optimal newsletter title length or even a single emoji can boost your open rates drastically. Here are our quick design tips for your email marketing campaigns.

The importance of content-first approach and a content strategy

A content-first approach is one of the key aspects of our data-driven website building process. The approach started together with a shift in the demands of Internet users. The Web has quickly evolved from a novelty to a necessity and here’s how your business – even the brick-and-mortar one – should adapt to the modern era.