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We bring sustainable change to web design

We are a sustainable web design agency. Our goal is to make the Internet a better place for everyone, including our planet. We are achieving the mission by building sustainable websites for businesses like yours.

Guys, this is fantastic!
Mario, Director at Leftover Currency

Our commitment to sustainable web design & development

We believe genuine change must come from an individual. Only then does it extend onto the business. Not the other way around. An agency is as good as its team.

On a personal level, our nerds take part in small initiatives that preserve and restore our planet. For example, buying from slow-fashion clothing stores, commuting by bike, dining with TooGoodToGo, limiting waste in any regard and being the general force of good (it doesn’t hurt to smile at a stranger).

These amazing and caring souls make up NerdCow.

As a result, we don’t have a printer in our office and aim to minimise the usage of paper. We don’t have business cards, and never will. Our top priority is to be as efficient as possible as it goes a long way to reducing power usage and waste. We only work with partners who commit to the same values.

Finally, we realise we are a small company, and our options are limited. But that doesn’t stop us from doing our best. We think Gandalf has got it right:

“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay… small acts of kindness and love.”

Our sustainable initiatives

Rewilding the Scottish Highlands

To further offset the carbon footprint, we have been actively planting trees in Scottish Highlands since the beginning of 2021. We also continue to reduce paper waste by eliminating the need for print, moving our in-person workshops to a remote setting and encouraging the use of whiteboards in the office.

Visit our grove

Eco‑friendly website design certificate

In 2020, we kickstarted the World With Web initiative which provides the only eco-friendly certification for websites that aren’t a popularity contest. Did you know that the Internet generates 50% more CO2 than global aviation? The aim here is to raise awareness among website owners and help them improve.

Visit World With Web

Our favourite sustainable web design example

What is sustainable web design?

Web technology propels the exchange of information and excavates unknown possibilities – at great cost.

The Internet generates 50% more CO2 than global aviation. Unoptimised website assets use up to over three times the number of resources to load. If every active website used fully optimised assets, we would reduce our carbon emissions by as much as 93,000 car trips around the globe. (source worldwithweb.org)

To counter the negative effects, the term sustainable web design has been introduced and defined as an approach to designing web services that put people and the planet first. Companies who commit need to deliver their digital products and services that respect the principles of the Sustainable Web Manifesto: clean, efficient, open, honest, regenerative, and resilient.

Your report blew my mind, and your site is first-class. Thanks a million for your help, and keep up the fantastic work!

Clara Seijo, Do Bees Dream

A good change starts with the conversation. Connect with us however you like to keep an eye on our endeavours. Also, feel free to send over any ideas and inspirations on how we can improve.

You can find us on the following social media websites:

Looking for a sustainable agency?

Seriously, picking an agency is hard. We know. It’s a long-term commitment, so you have to ensure you find the best fit for your team and organisation.

If sustainability is one of your values and our team looks like a good match, let’s have a chat.

We’re a fun bunch. Our approach to web design is fresh. You just might like it. If not, at least you will have learned something new 😊

When you are ready…

Schedule a call with me