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Our founder, Tomasz, will tell you everything about our process in just 5 minutes. From adjusting the collaborative Design Sprint workshops for the needs of web design, all the way to how we prioritise tasks with you and develop websites in just a few weeks.

Video transcript

Thanks for a brief moment of your busy life to learn something new! I promise to keep it as short as possible, but you know what it’s like when you are having fun.

First of all, let me tell you in a few words about the reason why we do things differently.

The commoditisation of websites

You see, websites have always been around since the Internet was founded. Through the whirls of time, websites have been commoditised and taken for granted. In fact, as we slowly reach 2 billion of them available on the Web, unfortunately, their quality keeps going down the drain.

The popularisation of page builders and the IT sector invites people from all walks of life to create their own digital space. While this experimental approach is fine for an average Joe, businesses that depend on their websites as a lifeline shouldn’t risk it. Gladly for them, the market is oversaturated with professionals ready for every budget. Little do they know, though, the common approach to building functional websites is extremely inefficient on many levels. To breathe fresh air into the industry, we invented our own process of building a website. Here it is at a glance.

Getting to know you

We start with a quick foundational week. We use that time to prepare bits and blobs prior to the magnum opus. We help the client assemble their project team, run through the technical setup needed for workshops, and interview each participant to uncover more about the business, challenges, and expectations. Finally, we top it all off with internal legwork. In any case, while this is important, let’s move on as I’m hyped to tell you all about the meat and potatoes.

We split our website building process into two phases.

Building a prototype using Web Design Sprints

The first phase called Prototyping contributes the most value and remains our all-time favourite 2-week long part of every project. Here we get everybody to work together towards a common goal. We do this by running a series of collaborative workshops. Together, they create an extremely fast-paced and fun environment buzzing with website ideas and solutions to various challenges. In short, we ideate, prototype and user test what works and what doesn’t. Why? Because it’s much cheaper to make mistakes early on than later in the development process. Plus, we get feedback from the target audience that allows us to steer the website in the right direction. That’s a nice bonus, isn’t it?

Learn about Design Sprint mistakes

Agile web development in a few weeks

The second phase called Production is where we hop into the trenches. As we enter that stage, we crank the pace up a notch. Here, we build a functional website based on a user-tested blueprint from the previous step as well as the client’s additional requirements. The engagement happens in weekly iterations and focuses on bringing the most value for the client’s investment.

Transitioning from the prototype to production

That’s why we keep The Bridge at the center of the Production phase. It allows us to break down the scope into individual features and assign to them the value thus the priority. To keep things moving, we allocate a senior web designer, a senior web developer, and a product manager who work full time in parallel to ensure rapid delivery. Finally, at the end of each week, we meet with the client to demonstrate the progress, gather feedback, and revise the plan for subsequent weeks.

And when does it end?

Well, when the client decides there’s no more value in spending more of their precious money on the website.

That’s all folks. If you have any questions or suggestions, make sure to get that message across in any shape or form.

Thanks for watching. Speak to you soon.

Learn more about the approach in our free webinar

How Long Does It Take To Build The Website

Originally published Jan 24, 2022 2:29:26 PM, updated May 8 2024.

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