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High hopes

We started the year on a high, with the achievements of 2019 still fresh in our memory. The team made a big step by moving into our first office in London. We might be in the perfect field to work remotely, but we’re a very collaborative bunch. The atmosphere of an office is just irreplaceable. This is why it was a hard pill to swallow when the pandemic forced us back into the remote setting. But we didn’t panic. 2020 turned out to be our best year ever, once again.

Adapting to the new circumstances

The pandemic had a big impact on our operations, but it was also a blessing in disguise. With many businesses closing down or reducing budgets, we’ve had to reinvent our services to help our clients.

We’ve equipped our team with tools and knowledge to improve the SEO services for our existing clients, and we’ve introduced a new Conversion Rate Optimisation service. The latter helped The Transport Library more than double its sales in the middle of the pandemic.

Stepping up our eco-friendly game

Taking care of our planet is extremely important. We love cycling to work, and we’re trying to do good for the environment in our private lives as well. And while this is important, we’ve also realised that we can do more together.

With a lower workload (thanks but no thanks, pandemic), we gave our team a task to nominate eco-friendly organisations that we could support. The winner was Trees for Life, an amazing charity that aims to rewild the Scottish Highlands. We fell in love with their collaborative approach, and we have a soft spot for supporting local initiatives. Well, we aren’t that local to a forest in Scottish Highlands, but it’s close enough!

But we also realise that offsetting carbon with donations isn’t a very scalable and sustainable solution. That’s why we’ve also started building an innovative eco-friendly project in our own industry. We can’t wait to unveil it in 2021 – stay tuned!

Finding new ways to support our clients

Our clients needed our support more than ever. We’ve decided to give them, and everyone who might struggle during the pandemic, something extra. The two most notable initiatives that our team came up with were two comprehensive industry reports.

In collaboration with Trusted Coach Directory, we’ve analysed the data of 50 coaching websites. Equipped with that date, we were able to identify why coaches are missing out on clients through their websites.

As the year was coming to an end, we’ve carried out a large-scale British eCommerce report. We’ve identified the top 100 online retailers in the UK and analysed their websites to find the recipe for eCommerce success. Our team checked their SEO metrics, website performance, accessibility, and more.

Wrapping up with a huge transformation

2020 is the year we went fully agile. We’ve mentioned the need to optimise our services and processes already, but this was the biggest decision we’ve ever made.

This wasn’t an instant change, and as you will notice we first posted about agile in December 2019. Agile development is usually exactly that – development, but without the web part. It’s great for development houses that build complex software. But it posed a number of challenges for a web agency of our size, so we had to find solutions to many specific issues.

The Q4 of 2020 is when we became fully agile and took on a first project using our new processes. Yes, that’s plural – a transition to agile meant we also stumbled upon and adapted the amazing Design Sprint process.

And this was the blessing in disguise that we’ve mentioned before. As a whole, our new process was an instant success. Clients fell in love with the collaborative nature of workshops, and the delivery time went from months to just weeks.

Our plans for 2021

We’re eager to get back to the office and can’t wait for that to happen. But for now, we’re committed to staying remote in line with the guidance. We’re entering the new year with an exciting project at hand, and we plan to make our process even better.

If 2020 taught us one thing, it’s that sharing knowledge is the key to success. Not just as individuals, but as a society. We couldn’t be where we are without others sharing their knowledge and experience. It’s impossible to name the people that helped us indirectly, but we thank them. And we want to make sharing our knowledge a commitment for 2021 and beyond.

Our team already has exciting webinars, articles and videos lined up. We want to help as many businesses as possible, and we can’t think of a better way than providing a free knowledge base. If you’d like to stay tuned, please follow our social media accounts. We promise that there’s a lot to come! But for now, Happy New Year and see you in the next one.

See how we did last year

Originally published Jan 06, 2021 9:07:00 AM, updated May 13 2024.

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