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Sojourn Solutions’ report shed some light on the worrying marketing statistics of B2B companies. Some issues can directly translate to a poorly optimised business website.

The overwhelming majority of the 171 B2B marketing operations leaders surveyed described the changes in their markets or customers as either profound or significant.

2019 Marketing Operations Maturity Benchmarking Report, Sojourn Solutions

Discover how lack of integrations and a wrong approach to your business website escalate the common digital marketing problems.

Outdated marketing technology

51% of all surveyed companies don’t have a process in place to help them identify the necessary marketing technology.

20% of all businesses answered "fully", 29% said "mostly", 32% responded "somewhat" and 19% "not at all".
How respondents answered whether their Technology Management process enables them to identify current and emerging technology for their marketing teams.

These statistics are in line with the trends NerdCow has observed. When tasked with business website audits, we often found that websites lack necessary marketing integrations.

The most notable one is the integration with the customer relationship management system. Some SMEs don’t even use a CRM at all – and those who do, rarely make the most out of it. On top of basic integrations, CRMs offer access to their API (application programming interface) which allows developers to create bespoke website integrations for your business.

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Neglecting marketing data management

Because of the above issues, businesses struggle with marketing data management. Not having the right technology in place creates several issues, with scalability being the biggest one.

When asked whether their data management is optimal, 24% companies said "fully", 28% "mostly", 30% answered "somewhat" and 19% "not at all".
How B2B companies responded to a question about Data Management processes that increase the value of data in their organisation to achieve measurable results.

The problems your business is facing might be manageable for now, especially for SMEs. As your business grows, the neglected data management process will become a huge added cost.

Custom CRM functionalities and website integrations can play a big part in optimising your data management workflows – especially if you do most of your business online.

Undervalued analytics

At NerdCow, strategy and analysis are a key part of our website workshops. Analytics are incredibly valuable for your business, no matter how big or small. Data-driven decisions are at the core of our web development process, both before and after the launch.

Collecting, managing and analysing marketing data properly is one of the most cost-effective ways to grow your business. It’s how we support your businesses with optimised websites, but you don’t have to take our word for it. In 2017, Econsultancy partnered with Google to create a report on how successful companies take advantage of data to optimise the customer experience.

They [leading businesses] are 35% more likely to have a documented data and analytics strategy, and 28% more likely to believe that strategy principles are useful for decision making at all levels.

Stefan Tornquist, Econsultancy

Business websites fail to support marketers

Your business website is the marketing hub of your company. It belongs to your marketing team. In most cases, it doesn’t. There are multiple arguments against it but none of them make sense. And it always boils down to one thing – your website.

Whether your marketing team has to go through a gruelling process just to test a simple change on your website because of security concerns or a lack of training, that’s all on your web agency.

Giving your marketers access to your business website is vital to make the site profitable. It should be equipped with all the tools and security measures to allow the marketing team to do their thing. That includes copywriting and SEO guidelines, and any necessary training. If your current website doesn’t have any of it, you’re already losing money. And even if you feel it’s negligible for now, it will definitely change in the future.

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Originally published Aug 08, 2019 11:19:29 AM, updated May 8 2024.

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