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How many searches end with an ad interaction?

What is the organic click-through rate?

These factors could be the key to allocating your digital marketing budget properly.

The State of Searcher Behaviour report, a collaborative effort of Moz and Jumpshot, reveals the key statistics for marketers.

We have hand-picked data crucial for businesses of all sizes to help you fine-tune your next digital marketing campaign.

How many people go beyond the first page of Google?

Websites on the first search engine results page capture almost 95% of the traffic.

In March 2019 the page one results had a click-through rate of 87.73%, compared to 14.21% on page two.

If you’re not on the first page, you don’t exist in the search results. That’s the brutal truth.

Can a small business reach the first page of Google?

This is an important question considering the severity of the above numbers.

The answer is a relieving yes.

Even though 12.6% of all Google clicks going to the top 100 domains (excluding Google) might seem like a lot, it also means that over 87% is left for everyone else.

How many Google searches result in an interaction?

66% of unique search queries result in a click. Only 3.17% of desktop searchers click on a paid ad (WordStream).

The rest are “no-click results”. Google answers a lot of questions without requiring you to click on a result.

Featured snippets are one of the tools Google uses to achieve that. You can see an example below.

An example of Google's featured snippet answering the search query without requiring the visitor to click on the search result.

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What is the click-through rate of Google Ads on mobile?

Compared to the aforementioned 3.17% CTR on desktops, the Google Ads click-through rate on mobile devices is 4.1%.

If your business receives a lot of mobile traffic, you definitely need to optimise your PPC campaigns for mobile devices.

What percentage of Google searches come from mobile devices?

In Q1 of 2019, the figure exceeded 62% in the United States.

A graph of mobile traffic share in the United States from Q4 2013 to Q1 2019.
Organic mobile traffic share in the United States over the years. Source: Statista

Local search queries

To add to our previous point about small business opportunities on page one, nearly a third of mobile searches are related to location.

This makes SEO and PPC advertising a great opportunity for businesses that wouldn’t consider launching a digital marketing campaign.

Industries like travel and hospitality thrive on mobile searches and advertising. If your brick-and-mortar business falls into the same category, you have to establish visibility on mobile devices.

What percentage of search queries are questions?

This one is for content marketing enthusiasts. As much as 8% of search queries come in the form of a question.

Creating content that answers long-tail keywords phrased as questions is definitely a good idea when executed properly.

Harness the power of search engine marketing

Many traditional businesses find it hard to dive into the digital marketing world. It’s easy to get lost in it and there are no guarantees.

But there are a lot of opportunities. If you haven’t yet, we encourage you to take a closer look at SEO marketing.

For those that already advertise in the digital space, we hope the data will help you spot and fix the weak links in your digital marketing strategy.

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Originally published Apr 25, 2019 9:21:31 AM, updated August 19 2024.

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