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We’ve covered the outcomes of digital marketing, but let’s now think about marketing activities in your company which can be improved. Choosing the right tool might save you a lot of time while providing results that enable your business to grow.

Unfortunately, the options are endless. As a result, it’s easy to choose a tool that will disappoint and waste your time. To help you, we decided to create a list of services that have confirmed their effectiveness in recent years.

It was a tough process but it allowed us to broaden our knowledge and saved you time by providing a list of tools where everyone will find something for themselves.

Be sure to bookmark the page as we plan to expand the list as we go.

SEO keyword research

Keywords Everywhere – It’s a browser extension that shows you monthly search volume, CPC and competition data on multiple websites like Google Search Console, Google Analitycs, Youtube, Amazon, eBay, Bing, Etsy and more! Not only it is a great keyword research tool, but it displays “related” keywords as well as “people also search for” providing the data you need.

KWFinder – In their own words: “KWFinder is the only keyword research tool in the universe you will ever need.” If you are looking for a way to quickly find the best keywords for your website, your search can be considered complete. This tool simplified the keyword research process in a way others haven’t managed to do so. By choosing their product you get a comprehensive data set, the capability of presenting the data intuitively and user-friendly interface which is aesthetically pleasing.

SEMrush – An online visibility management and content marketing platform ensuring businesses get measurable results from online marketing. It lets you understand your current success, gives you a possibility to find new keywords and better advertising opportunities. It also keeps track of your current and existing rankings. In the beginning, “SEMrush” was just a tool specific to finding profitable keywords. Now it is a universal tool that performs many functions related to marketing, used by large companies located all around the world.

Ubersuggest – Contrary to what its name hints to, “Ubersuggest” is not associated with a popular company providing transport services. It’s a free SEO tool that specializes in generating new keyword ideas. “Ubersuggest” will not only help you with that but will also give you fast, useful and still evolving tool. It’s one of our top recommended campaign tools bringing many benefits if you know how to use it in a proper way.

SEO keyword research - statistics

Answer The Public – Are you ready to raise your keyword research level to professional? “Answer The Public” is a great tool that will help you to choose better topics and titles for your company blog or social media posts. This digital marketing service gives you access to an overview of consumer insights related to the topic you conduct a search for. With just a few clicks you gain access to the overview of what people are searching for in a visually attractive way.

SE Ranking – It’s a platform for SEO and online marketing professionals that helps you track and analyse website rankings and keywords positions for all major search engines. This all-in-one SEO tool will help your business grow immensely, in order to reach a larger number of consumers. Thanks to being a suite of tools “SE Ranking” seems like a good pick for companies that like to have everything in one place.

Ahrefs – If you are looking for a comprehensive SEO website analysis, then “Ahrefs” seems like a good pick. It’s one of the best digital marketing tools currently on the market. Their highly sophisticated toolset lets you monitor backlinks, research keywords or receive alerts about changes in your website placement across every web search engine.

Site checkup and analysis

SEO Site Checkup – Search engine optimisation made easy. It lets you instantly analyse your SEO issues, give access to professional SEO monitoring and display reports in an exhaustive and easy-to-understand manner. Instantly check if your website prospers properly and whether by any chance you can’t do something to improve your marketing results.

Nibbler – It’s our hidden gem that only a few people know about. “Nibbler” is a free tool that will check your site for any defects or oversights. By seeing the full report you realize how much work you have to put into creating a website from A to Z.

Screaming Frog SEO Spider – Small desktop program which crawls websites links, images, cascading style sheets, scripts and apps from the SEO perspective. The overall site audit process can be daunting and time-consuming, but thanks to the “Screaming Frog SEO Spider”, the task can be made easier for novices and professionals. Being one of the most valued SEO tools, it’s a great pick for anyone interested in finding potential architecture issues.

Backlink investigation

MOZ Link Research – Built by the world’s top SEO company, this simple tool lets you get the data you need to do better link building research, smarter content ideation and link prospecting. Feedback is presented in a clear and transparent way that will allow you to easily read the information you are interested in.

Majestic – It’s one of the best link intelligence tools available to website owners. Not only it works as a great backlinks information provider, but also offers some other SEO tools to access. “Majestic” surveys and maps the Internet, creating the largest commercial link database in the world.

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Marketing analysis

Google Trends – A tool that needs no introduction. It may not be as functional as the others on the list, but it allows you to get information on the most searched phrases across all the world. It helps you to understand what people search for and how frequently a given search term is entered. If you know how to use this data, “Google Trends” becomes a really powerful tool.

SimilarWeb – It’s a website which provides web analytics services for businesses. “SimilarWeb” collects a staggering amount of user behaviour data, allowing site owners to gain insights on the keywords, popular pages, referral sources and tactics that help drive traffic.

BuzzSumo – Are you looking for a great tool to research content on your site? “BuzzSumo” can be used for gathering valuable insight into the success of your website. If your company needs a swiss army knife for content creation, this tool will help you with almost everything: research, content creation, promotion, social media management, and many more!

Content marketing tools - instagram hashtag

Content marketing tools

Hoot Suite – It’s one of many tools referred to as a Social Media Management System. Manage and schedule posts to multiple social media profiles on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram and more! If you want to drive value from your social media activities, this tool might be exactly what are you looking for.

Buffer – A software application for the web and mobile, designed to manage accounts in social networks. It lets you schedule posts to all major social networks, analyse results, and engage with communities with which you want to tighten bonds. “Buffer” makes it easy to build your brand and connect with all of your customers online. Manage and organise your timeline, see detailed analytics and quickly create new posts – all in one place!

Sprout Social – A tool that enables brands to find, form, and deepen the connections with their social audience. “Sprout Social” provides social media management, marketing, customer care, analytics and data intelligence solutions for leading agencies.

A/B testing platforms

Google Optimize – It helps online marketers increase conversion rates and overall visitor satisfaction by continually testing different combinations of website content. Being under the Google banner, it is the most popular service for managing A/B tests. Easy to use, integrated with other applications related to the web industry. With “Google Optimize”, you can quickly test your hypothesis. No more guessing!

Optimizely – Platform that delivers comprehensive and dependable optimisation across both product and marketing. Provides website and mobile A/B testing and personalization for the world’s leading brands. Allows marketing teams to test, learn and deploy winning digital experiences.

VWO – Enables growing businesses to conduct visitor research, run experiments, personalize experiences, and re-engage it. “VWO” helps to better understand your site visitors’ behaviour. Thanks to careful analysis, you can optimise your conversion rate in a way that’s right for you.

Website optimisation

Microsoft Clarity – It allows website owners to create tests to figure out what users are doing on their site. It uses mouse-tracking technology to generate heatmaps. As a result, you know exactly what your users are doing and what you have to change to get the desired results.

Inspectlet – Analyze user behaviour instantly with eye-tracking heatmaps, screen capture and user-interaction analytics. It records videos of your visiors as they use your site, allowing you to see everything they do. See every mouse movement, scroll, click and keypress on the keyboard.

Hotjar – Fast and visual way to understand your users, providing everything your team needs to uncover insights and make the right changes to your site. It’s an all-in-one analytics and feedback tool, giving you the big picture of how users interact with your website.

Check the NerdCow spotlight by Hotjar

Feedback gathering

BugHerd – Issue tracking and project management software solution for everyone. It’s a simple point-and-click tool for reporting and managing website bugs and feedback.

Pastel – A tool that makes it super easy for its users to leave useful comments directly on live websites. Every comment is pinned to a specific element and records information like screen resolution and browser type to solve UI and UX issues faster. Great service if you aim at solid cooperation.

Marker – It lets you report visual bugs directly into your existing issue tracking tool like Trello, Jira, GitHub, Asana and more. “Marker” makes it easy to capture, report and track bugs & issues.

Make your marketing efforts work for you

This list is just the tip of the digital iceberg. We have included tools that are recommendable and fulfil their role. There are certainly more platforms on the market offering as rich experience as the items we mentioned.

We are closely following the market which is expanding every day. Therefore, if new marketing tools appear on our radar over time, our list will definitely be updated. Fortunately, although a large selection is a bane, thanks to the huge competition platforms are constantly evolving bringing even more benefits to their consumers. Sooner or later everyone will find a tool tailored to their needs.

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Originally published Jan 17, 2020 9:45:28 AM, updated May 8 2024.

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