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Getting the basics right

Let’s fix the basics now, so we can perform better later

Does your website feel like a mess? Dead metrics, broken features, and poor performance won’t go away on their own. Worse, they compound. So, it’s crucial that we timely draw the line.

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It’s like a pain that doesn’t go away

And the longer you wait, the worse it gets. Ever-increasing maintenance costs, slowing content operations, and occurring domino effects are symptoms of a website that needs attention.

Not trusting data to make better website decisions

Poor user experience affecting customers and staff

Terrible development turnaround for minor tasks

Blown pages after changing tiny parts of your website

“URGENT!!!” email notifications at 7:31 am from your boss


Here’s the plan

We come equipped with a plan that’ll bring around an observable difference in as little as 4 weeks.

Here’s what it looks like on the high level. Keep in mind each website is different, so we’ll tailor the process to your circumstances.

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Stop the avalanche.

Our team will review your situation and put a cork on it.

Example areas we audit:

  • Analytics setup
  • Content architecture
  • Codebase health
  • Third-party tools
  • Design practices
  • Security and access


Fix what’s broken.

You’ll observe a difference in as soon as 4 weeks.

Potential fixes for you:

  • Lean and new metrics aligned with business goals
  • Removed obsolete features and assets
  • Refactored code portions for best practices
  • Upgraded platform


Prevent this in the future.

We’ll add measures to prevent this from happening again.

Powerful preventive measures:

  • Weekly check-ins to review metrics and performance
  • User-centred approach to future design and development
  • Automated security alerts with each website change
  • Protocols for new additions


Courier Exchange didn’t wait

Getting the basics right helped Courier Exchange to double their conversions in under one month. They’ve been confidently investing in the site ever since partnering with us.

Optimised user journey for a SaaS company

Key learnings from this project:

  • You need to learn the mental models of users visiting your site.
  • Iterative changes are an affordable way of validating concepts.
  • Testing website changes aren’t limited to A/B testing.
Read the story

Same time next month?

Get your website up to speed in 4 weeks or less. Our team has over 8 years of experience in improving WordPress.

Book the initial 30-minute call with us to get started.

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