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NerdCow Weeks

Perfect for fresh website builds, significant revamps or rapid delivery of valuable requirements

NerdCow Weeks put the attention of our entire team back on you. Thanks to that sharp focus, we can truly immerse ourselves in your business and take the advantage of our web design expertise to deliver beyond your expectations.

It sounds crazy, but isn’t that what the focus is about?

Learn how it works
Trust the process, dive in, and don’t worry if the process feels different and strange — you need to stick with it.
Alex, CMO at National Federation of Demolition Contractors

One week for all your website needs

A NerdCow Week is essentially an intensive business week to get things done. It’s a refreshingly new take on delivering value for your business and your customers. You can focus each NerdCow Week on any of our comprehensive web design services — don’t worry, we’re here to guide you.

Browse around below to see how it works, how it can help you build the website you deserve and how much it costs.

Thanks to NerdCow, we have been able to see our bounce rates lower as our conversion rates rise. NerdCow uses an agile approach to their workflow, and has been enjoyable to work with.
Justyna, Chief of Staff at Repositive

How does it work? Think Pick & Mix

We combine multiple NerdCow Weeks to get where you want to be. Plus, we evaluate the plan weekly.

There are three powerful themes that we can give each NerdCow Week:

Foundation Week

We take one week to get to know you and your business and do just enough research before we dive deeper.

Perfect for:

  • Interviewing relevant stakeholders to get their point of view.
  • Diagnosing the potential issues and planning of subsequent NerdCow Weeks.
  • Getting to know your business culture, brand, and offering.
  • Organising both teams and gathering assets for the weeks ahead.

Prototyping Week

In just one week, we solve big problems, challenge preconceptions and validate new ideas.

Perfect for:

  • Getting the stakeholders to agree on the targetted problem.
  • Ideating solutions in a collaborative workshop environment.
  • Deciding and testing individual ideas with the target market.
  • Pulling together a minimum website prototype that meets the goal.

Production Week

Here, we implement agreed website changes based on the value-driven priority list.

Perfect for:

  • Continous improvement and quick feedback loop.
  • Delivering new website features based on the value.
  • Reviewing progress weekly with all stakeholders.
  • Testing changes and deploying them rapidly to live enviornment.

Use Case Example

New Website Design For a B2B SaaS Business

Background: A new marketing leader has joined the company and decided to give the business website an upgrade. They consider it essential that their new website supports upcoming strategic marketing campaigns.

Problem: Existing website struggles to engage the website visitors, as well as convert them into leads. Plus, it uses outdated technology, and as a result, the marketing department can’t edit its content.

Proposed solution:

One flat weekly fee. Everything included.

Our favourite client stories

We’ve gathered a selection of real client stories that have experienced the power of NerdCow Weeks with us.

We’re committed to providing a delightful customer experience

We get things done in a professional manner, thus helping you to spend more time on things that matter to you.

We’re committed to bringing value to your business daily, so we focus on the performance, ROI, and quality of your website.

We stay in constant touch, communicating the progress, so you always know where you are.

We share our knowledge with your team so that they can manage the website on their own and keep winning.

Questions? We’ve got them, too!

What’s bothering you with the existing website? What’s the challenge you wish to solve with a new website? How will you measure the success of the new website?

Schedule a call with us, and let’s figure it out over a remote cup of coffee 😉

Read our winning stories