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78% of employees think that their meeting schedule is out of control

Learn how to avoid fruitless internal meetings and increase your organisation’s efficiency.

You’re invited to download our new, limited-time free guide on how to avoid fruitless internal meetings.

What you’ll get from this guide:

  • Keep the team better aligned
  • Shorten your meetings to 15 minutes
  • Boost team morale
  • Keep everyone in the loop
  • Get a clear plan of action
  • Invaluable tips on how to handle internal meetings
  • Actionable right away
Open the Internal Meetings Guide

Here’s what our clients think of the approach:

Aside from having the organisational benefit of keeping everyone on the same page and communicating, our regular meetings have also had the added benefit of re-energising, boosting morale, and aligning the team towards common goals. This has been especially helpful with a split of fullyremote, hybrid, and fully-office-based team members.
Alex, Marketing Manager at NFDC